the Field in
Chiropractic Care
Back Pain, Headaches, Sports Injuries

Can Chiropractic Help You?
What happens if you get in a car accident?
Both minor and major car accidents produce a whipping action of the neck damaging the surrounding soft tissue structures (muscles and ligaments). Abnormal joint function is common after whiplash trauma and can lead to a variety of disorders, including but not limited to the following:
Muscle spasms/inflammation in the neck and/or back
Jaw Problems
Pinched Nerves
Disc degeneration and arthritic changes
Chronic pain syndromes
Historically, only about half of all whiplash patients could expect to achieve full recovery. Past treatments consisted of rest, immobilization and medication for pain. Unfortunately, many of these patients were told to learn to live with the pain.
Dr. Gile takes pride in helping his patients reach pre-injury status.

Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Shoulder Problems
- Hip Joint Pain
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Knee Pain
Our SportsMedicine and Rehab Specialists can help you with our new state of the art rehab room!